Wednesday 19 January 2011

Thinking of Michael–thinking of heaven

n683212022_1035619_3421 Here’s a picture of our Michael – taken under a lamp-post in Surrey. We laughed and laughed because we got lost on a long walk after dark – unnecessarily!  This was also the photo which was projected on a middle-sized screen at Trinity Baptist Church, Port Elizabeth, SA. -  during Michael’s Memorial service January 2006.
n683212022_1035346_9813Photos above and below: 
Gordon and Michael were wrestling and Michael had pinned his dad down!
July 2003
Shortly before Michael’s physical death after struggling with cancer for 15 months – he was reconciled to our Father, through Jesus.
Since then, we’ve been oh-so interested in heaven!
Here are some facts:
  1. In our wildest flights of fantasies, we cannot visualise real heaven. 
  2. Heaven – a brilliant unlimited durable future – thanks to Jesus.
  3. God’s presence pervades heaven and His unveiled glory is on full display.
  4. With our new eyes will see the bright light of God’s unveiled glory – we will see God Himself!  We will see God’s face, brighter than the sun – and all of that without being blinded.  Try to imagine the exhilaration of God’s dazzling presence!
  5. Heaven is where the glory of Jesus Christ is exalted above all things and where reality is the all-satisfying.
  6. Michael and all those who “fell asleep” forgiven,  entered a realm of perfection. Forget the bits about playing the harp on puffs of cloud and gently swaying palms!
  7. Heaven is a real place where real forgiven people are free from sin and futility.
  8. Heaven is  place of no fear. In heaven there is nothing to interfere with our joy or tarnish or sense of well-being.
  9. Heaven teems with people who are no longer being skewed by sin. Sin, suffering and imperfection  no longer cast its dark shadows.
  10. Will there be many extra dimensions in heaven?  And what about seasons and the weather in heaven?  What we DO know is that there are going to be SHOWERS and showers of blessing.
  11. There we will literally love God with all our hearts, all our minds – one hundred percent collective admiration. And at last we’ll not only love each other as we love ourselves, but as Jesus has loved us.    Imagine that!
Are we in exaggerated awe of heaven?   No.
Matthew 14: 43: 
“Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
He who has ears, let him or her, hear.”