Saturday 29 January 2011

Something more about Michael's Memorial service & "More"

Here's the youtube link Matthew West's "More", with the hope that God's love in Jesus will be all yours. 

Friends were greeted at the church door with a long-stemmed rose.  It was a hot and windy January day in Port Elizabeth, SA. 

Early in the service, we all  placed roses in prepared vases to symbolise our own farewells to Michael.  Moving, moving.  

The hundreds of roses and the love were achingly beautiful.

Immediately after Michael's service & refreshments, we went down to Kings Beach & kicked off our shoes.  Michael's lovely friends wrote his name in the wet sand & did the traditional surfers' paddle-out on their surfboards to put down red roses, behind the surf, in their friend's memory. 

We stood barefoot in the sand in our church clothes, chatting and struggling to believe the reason why we were there. 

King's Beach, Port Elizabeth (Nelson Mandela Bay) - overlooking Algoa Bay, Indian Ocean