Saturday 8 January 2011

Everyone needs a Champion

It’s an ordinary Saturday morning at home in the small county of Hertfordshire:  there are no bomb sirens,  just a choppy winter’s wind.  Right at the minute, we haven’t got a loved one on a life-support.  Gordon has a cold and I’m about to pop out to get milk, fresh veg and a newspaper.  The UK is a relatively safe country. The phone rang minute ago and Spicer Street church  friends invited us over for lunch: we trust them not to report our Christian views to despotic authorities.

At the same time we face a cruel, cruel enemy against whom  have, from our own resources, no defences or protection.  We are in grave danger and have no strength to fight.  We’re trapped with no way of escape.
We desparately need a champion to stand on our behalf, to defend and deliver.  A champion strong to save and protect.
Our champion has come!
We need this champion in the truest and deepest sense. Mankind has an enemy, Satan. He is cruel, oppressing us in sin and misery, and we have no strength to defeat our pride, our anger, our loneliness, our shame, our grief, and our bitterness: we are enslaved, enchained. We are in danger, and he is dragging us down to the Pit. We are trapped in the dominion of darkness. We are fearfully exposed to punishment for our sins as those who have followed him.  See see more right here.
We have a Champion – His Name is Jesus Christ our Lord!