Monday 31 January 2011

Dads and frustrated children.

Monday, 31 January 2011

It could be a very interesting exercise for dads to ask their children what specifics about their parenting style frustrate them - you’re going to need to be b r a v e!
Of course there are several other sides to parent-child-relationships: teaching, nurturing and cherishing children, children to obey their parents, mums' roles etc.  But for today:  dads and frustrated children.

One caution:  As you, in all probability know all too well, angel-children can be skilled at  manipulation –example how can you be so cruel and  MAKE us go to school every day.  God has appointed you as their dad, and gave you the authority to love and teach them – this does not rhyme with push-over - YOU’RE the leader and children love leader-dads.

Dear dad, arm yourself with humility, honesty, readiness to ask and receive forgiveness, and change non-scheming suggestions!  Home is to be a place of grace and growth  - and love and laughter and change for the good and as leader you set the tone.
dad D051906FAEphesians 6:4  "Fathers do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
Ok now for that reality check together with your own children’s views.
frustratedSome areas that frustrate children and make them angry:   (and sad)
  1. Lack of marital harmony.
  2. N o clear boundaries.
  3. Angry parents.
  4. Unfair scolding.
  5. Legalistic - loads and loads of rules - who knows why!
  6. Parent not admitting when he's wrong.
  7. Constantly finding fault.
  8. Listen to their side of the story.
  9. Time to talk to your children.
  10. Not keeping promises.
  11. Too much freedom.  Not enough freedom.
  12. Unrealistic and crushing expectations.
  13. Favouritism - makes kids mad.
  14. When children are angry and furious it is difficult for them to listen.
dad rocks imagesCA9U9RRQ
To find the sermon on "God's Word to children and fathers" - June 2010 - please click on this link. – by our pastor, Greg Strain, St Albans, UK.   You won’t be disappointed!   (Use June 2010 in the search facility.)