Sunday, 15 December 2013

Unforgiveness and legit responses to suffering

Part Two
"Forgive and Remember" (2) Something on unforgiveness.... Quoted from Jerry Sittser."
  • "Unforgiveness can lead to hatred in the heart and a desire for the wrongdoer to suffer as much hurt as the wronged is undergoing.
  • Unforgiveness is like fire that smolders in the belly, like smoke that smothers the soul. It is destructive because it is insidious. Occasionally it flares up in the form of bitter denunciation and explosions of rage.
  • Unforgiveness should not be confused with healthy responses to loss.
1)Justice and anger are legitimate emotional responses to suffering. And grief is a natural condition that follows on the heels of loss.
2) When we suffer, our soul cries out in anguish. This is the beginning of the healthy but painful process towards healing."