Gordon and I are visiting with our dear, dear children and grandchildren in Germany at present and heartily sang these words in Braunschweig Church this morning.
Oh come let us adore Him - O lasset uns anbeten den Konig!
Herbei, o ihr Gläubigen,
O kommet, o kommet
nach Bethlehem!
Sehet das Kindlein,
Uns zum Heil
O lasset uns anbeten…..
Den König!
What follow is a few lines from a great blog on the Desiring God website - please see here.
Come, joyful and
triumphant and let us adore our Christ. Pagan astrologers saw the star [resting
over the place where the child was], they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. They
saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him….
Matthew piles up the
joy language so that we don’t miss it. They didn’t just rejoice, but did so
exceedingly, “with joy” — with “great joy.”
At its heart,
worship is in “spirit and truth,” as Jesus says in John 4 —
things about Jesus and a spirit of great joy about him
spiritually looking to Jesus and rejoicing
exceedingly with great joy.
Falling down is the
physical posture, but “worship” is what what is going on in their hearts as
they see this newborn king who will reign, not only over Israel but the whole world.
Come to Christmas
with no less joy than these emotionally enthused magi. Why come joyless when Christ Jesus came to seek and save lost (Luke 19:10).
Come, let us adore Him!