Oh to run the straight race through God’s good grace – run and dance – even if, at times, through tears. This is crazy and impossible other than by our God's magnanimous and un-rationed grace in Jesus Christ. So great is salvation in Jesus that even those in a wheelchair or busy moms in a dazed & sleep-deprived state - even us who lost a son - can dance to the beat of the King's heart.
That doesn’t mean Christians float in some fantasy land, out of touch with the brokenness of this world. It means that as a Christian I have forgiveness & a solid hope in Jesus, by free grace through faith. Help for today & a future that outweighs the sorrows of this present world - makes all the difference!
I’m sorry I couldn’t find a suitable you-tube clip - I hope you know the tune....?
Teach me to move in the power of your Spirit
Teach me to walk in the light of your presence
Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart
Teach me to love with your heart of compassion
Teach me to trust in the word of your promise
Teach me to hope in the day of your coming
Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart
You wrote the rhythm of life
Created heaven and earth
In You is joy without measure
So, like a child in your sight
I dance to see your delight
For I was made for your pleasure
Let all my movements express
A heart that loves to say 'yes'
A will that leaps to obey you
Let all my energy blaze
To see the joy in your face
Let my whole being praise you
Praise you
A heart that loves to say 'yes'
A will that leaps to obey you.
is a heart into which God poured out His love!
So I end - hurrying back to preparing for our much anticipated
visit with our children in Tokyo in a few weeks' time - with "love" in Japanese.