- Pita bread packs better and stays in better shape while camping than regular type breads.
- To cook hamburgers more evenly throughout, put a hole in the middle of your hamburger about the size of your finger, during grilling the hole will disappear but the center will be cooked the same as the edges.
- Disposable water bottles make great dispensers for salad dressings, oils and sauces.
- Instead of taking eggs in the carton, crack them at home and put into a hard sided re-usable water bottle. Shake the bottle to break up the yolks and pour straight into a hot pan for scrambled eggs.
- Pack dry ingredients for pancakes.
- Pack games.
- Quick-cook oats.
- Get sleeping bag liners.
- Steer clear of colognes, perfumes and fragrant lotions because they attract bugs.
- Invest in a Sporg.
- Head Torhes. Xenon and Krypton bulbs are commonly found in headtorches these days and are a halogen hybrid with good battery life without compromising the brightness.The longest burning times comes from LED bulbs that last over 20x longer than the other 3 put together!
- Window and door seals - Smear a thin film of vaseline on all your window and door seals to keep them in good condition during your winter lay up.
- A link to what to remember when crossing by Ferry.What to remember when using the Ferries.

Is this the first ever small motor home from the 1930's?