Prayer for our children or our grandchildren: (…………. = (insert name)
- That ………… will grasp something of the wonder that …………(insert name) is loved and wanted by Christ Jesus.
- That Christ’s love will keep……………….’s footing in life.
- That ……………………….will be rooted in the love of God in Christ.
- That ……………………… will be humble and trusting in success and confident in the Father’s love.
- Pray about every visual – in media and life – burned on the mind of …………
Seven brief parent reminders for a quick refresher in the midst of busy parenting.
- Affection and Love. We can never show our children too much love. I have yet to meet the adult who tells me, “My parents just showed me too much love!”Shower your children with affection. May they know our warm embraces and messy kisses!
- Parents can’t “force” their children to be faithful, less sinful, or more righteous. That isn’t our responsibility. Our responsibility is to be faithful in our own charge as parents. You can hinder or help their sensitivity to Christ, and maturing in character, but you can’t guarantee or determine it, secure it, or determine it.
- Keep Your Eyes Forward: What will others think? Our children are disobedient and we find ourselves cringing inside and looking to see if anyone else was watching. Will they think my children are disobedient or bad? Will they think I am a terrible parent? Stop! We aren’t parenting for others’ approval. We are parenting for the good of our children to the glory of God.
- Run in the Right Direction: God knows a thing or two about wayward children, so let’s seek Him who has an understanding ear. What grace we need in parenting and what grace is given in Christ. May we run to Him with our frustrations, struggles, trials, and failures. He should be our first Counsellor and Comforter.
- Parent on Your Knees. Oh for an army of praying parents - praying for and with our children–not just before bed–not just over meals, but throughout the day and for all their lives.
- Show and Tell: Let us ask for their forgiveness when we have been irritable or have yelled at them, talk much about Christ, show grace, be quick to point out God’s greatness, sing a few hymns/choruses in the shower!
- Lastly and Most Importantly, Count the Blessings: Let’s thank God everyday for our children. Even on those hard days, find the blessings amidst the chaos! Count every blessing that comes as a parent. Let it fill us with wonder that the Lord of the Universe has given us the privilege of having these little souls under our care. What a blessing.
Thinking on these may even help us get out of that foetal position |
I took some of these pointers from
Christian Parenting Reminders.