Oh what a lively, joyous, aerobatical, musical,twirling, stamping to a mix of music for all ages at the Hogmanay ceilidh (rhymes with “daily”). Our Charlotte Chapel friends got us up and going, showing, setting us at ease with “don’t worry,this isn't "Strictly come dancing!"
Gordon, wisely, armed himself with an ankle-guard and had a great time hopping in circles. Oops – with the very first dance, I landed on the floor with a bump. NO injury, so could afford to have a good laugh. Good thing I brought extra, more sensible shoes for later on. And what gallant Charlotte church friends we had, like Tim, who dragged me back up to my feet – fortunately in one fairly smooth movement!
Later in the night, Gordon and I drove to the Forth, dark and quiet and watched the left-over fire-works. As husband and wife we again gave ourselves to our Lord - the knowable Lord of the unknown year – our God with us!
1 January 2013, we woke up this morning to a sunny day – when last did we see this miracle in Edinburgh?! The TV was set for the annual Viennese light classical New Year’s Concert – what a pleasant alarm clock.
How blessed we were to have a skype with my mom in South Africa – precious! And a long skype with our children and grandchildren in Germany: Michael, Izo, Josie and Evie who charmed us right out of our socks! Our New Zealand family has had their new year a whole 13 hours BEFORE us!
This is the confidence we have for 2013 and always: that the good work that God started in us, He will bring to completion. We just don’t know the date of that completion………..
If you have this confidence too, then we have the greatest future in common!

The swing of the kilt and the silver dancing shoes.

All ages and all levels of ability - all precious and part of... And don’t forget “being in love”.

Church young people having a great time just before New Year 2012!

Here's a you tube link to traditional Scottish dancing as we did seeing the Old Year out and the New Year in.