What is the general content of our prayers for others?
Sometimes we jot down a line or two from a Psalm or anywhere in the Bible.
If we’ve set aside more time, we love to emulate one of Paul’s prayers. The big result is when God connects requests in line with what comes from His own Mouth with the circumstances of those we pray for.
Two side-notes:
- We don’t feel selfish to pray these for ourselves (we are too conscious of our need of grace!)
- We ask boldly for healing or whatever the request is, in submission to God’s will.

- When is the last time I put my hand on the back of a fellow Christian and prayed for their struggles as they also prayed for mine (James 5:16)?
- When is the last time I wept as I prayed?
- When is the last time I got down on my knees…no matter what was going on…and prayed without using robotic clichés and prayed as specifically as I possibly could and thanked Him in advance for His will (1 John 5:14)?
- What Christian does not want to learn to pray better? What Christian would claim that his prayers are as powerful as ever he would want them to be?
Let’s pursue God rather than prayer without a relationship with Him.
“A praying life isn’t something you accomplish in a year.
It is a journey of a lifetime. “
Paul Miller in his book, “A Praying Life.”