This is what 12 years of marriage has done to Jason and Liesl!

Jesse is the younger brother – and our little grandson snuggles up in our hearts, again and again, with that winning smile right into our eyes. Jesse is going to be 4 soooon, then we’ll sing the chipmunk happy birthday to him.
And here’s our Joshua who ,all in one year .has moved from South Africa to New Zealand and started school. And, most importantly and excitedly, he has put his faith in Jesus. It all started with: “I want to be with Jesus for ever and ever” – a good starting point, Josh. Jesus wants the children to come to Him.

Both our Joshua and Jesse play rugby – as boys who live in New Zealand (and South Africa) – should! Joshua scores with style but Jesse, initially couldn’t understand why a boy took the ball from him and would not give it back!
One down, one to go.