It’s impossible not to think of how radical the Christian new birth is: how radical and revolutionary the cleansing and the forgiveness. Jesus was on a mission to save us from the worst predicament, i.e., God’s condemnation of those who are so fond of, who are attached to darkness. Those who are – without this life that is in Jesus – walking dead men, walking dead people. Jesus came from heaven and it is called Christmas-love.
Of course, it is not as if we do not need our feet to be washed between our great salvation from condemnation in Jesus and that wonderous moment when we see Him again. Sin and temptation are daily realities for Christians. And God communicated to us (in His Word by His Spirit) what we are to do about it. It’s all there for the reading, implementing and changing.
Here’s one of our absolute favourite master-painting in one of London’s treasure houses of art. Of course the original true story is not of Ford Maddox Brown’s imagination but from the history-rooted John 13.
Don’t you also just love the expression on Peter’s face!?
Jesus, our role-model.
Ford Madox Brown. Jesus Washing Peter's Feet. 1852-56. retouched several times up to 1892. Oil on canvas 46 x 52 l/4 in. Tate Britain Gallery, London.