A few reminder hiegenic guidelines on how to be careful and then
a blog-link of how not to be careful.
- Thoroughly wash your hands with soap, once you have used the used the toilet, changed diapers, or handled pets. Hands should also be washed before you deal with food.
- Keep the eating area clan and well elevated.
- Make sure that the kitchen clothes and the washing, cooking and the general utility area are kept clean.
- Make sure to protect your food items and the kitchen as a whole against animals, pests and insects
- Use insecticides only during the night time, after having removed all the items form the shelves and drawers. Before storing the stuff again, wet mop the area once.
On practising hiegene the toddler way - do see our daughter Isabelle's hectic, crazy and funny story on 4 year-olds baking gingerbread men at their German nursery school (kindergarten) in Tokyo.
I end by recommending point 4 with an addition: "protect your food items and the kitchen as a whole against animals, pests and insects - and especially against 4 year old boys!" Maybe there is a point to be made about building up immune systems?!