Sunday 13 February 2011

The true story about when Jesus gave me a new life

1280 Hitchenlavender2July2011-091Do double-click for a closer view of the last stage of a butterfly’s metamorphism.  Not reallyh an adequate example of the Christian new life, which is given to last into eternity.  I took the photo recently in the lavender fields near our home. (Just waiting for technology to communicate the giddy scents!)

So here goes with my real-life story – in two minutes – if you read quickly! The context is our Spicer Street Church mums/toddlers group after lots of play, chats and cups of tea. Laura did the interviewing while our 40 toddlers chewed on their snacks - and the mums listened - we trust!

 Laura’s Intro 
Estelle is going to tell us a bit about her experiences. She and her husband Gordon emigrated from South Africa 11 years ago. They parented 2 daughters, a son and  have 2 foster daughters.
In which part of SA did you grow up?

I grew up near Johannesburg, South Africa, in an uncomplicated family. After school I headed south to Stellenbosch University near Cape Town – it was there that a major change came into my life and I became a Christian.

So you haven’t always been a Christian?

Oh no! I sort of respected Jesus but found religion, as part of our Afrikaans culture, a boring ritual and quickly ditched church.

So tell me about this change that took place in your life.

It happened while I was at Stellenbosch. Student life was good: climbing mountains, making new friends,  trying to pass exams etc. I was happy enough without God – or so I thought.
My res-roommate, Bessie, came back from her Easter holiday full of the joys of being a new believer in Jesus Christ. She spoke of her Father in heaven as if she knew Him personally! She was ready to answer my question: “How good must I be for God to welcome me into heaven?”

What was your roommate’s reply?

She was gentle but firm: “It’s impossible for good works to get you to heaven.” Last week Reuben said exactly the same: “God in heaven is no Santa Claus coming to town with a list, finding out who’s been good and deserves gifts”.

Were you ok with that fact that God doesn’t accept us on the basis of naughty or nice behaviour?

It was actually a huge RELIEF, because I knew me: my self-focus, how easily I choke on the little word “sorry.”, etc. etc. It was clear, doing my best, telling the truth, etc. was not going to be anywhere enough to get God on my side.
Do you know, it was at that point I knew in my heart of hearts that if I had to die then, there was just no way that I would be ready to meet God as my Judge.
It started to dawn on me that it is not what I do for the living God but what He did and does for me – Jesus died in my place on the cross, took my guilt and the punishment for my sin on Him!  And forgave me and gave me access to Go – the list just goes on!

What happened next?

I went out for a walk in the rain. It was time to get real and honest. How insulting to God that I’ve cared much more for my personal happiness than loving Him with my whole heart - actually I have just been ignoring and using Him when I needed something. I have tightly shut my ears to His love and invitations.
On that April evening the living God was more real to me than the falling rain. I started to pray properly for the first time in my life, something along these lines:

“Tonight I give in to You, God in Heaven and admit that I cannot ever be good enough for you to accept me. Thank you for loving me and for giving yourself up to die in my place. Please forgive all my sins; please be my Saviour and my Lord and reconcile me with the Father in Heaven.”

Do you know, there and then, I was flooded with peace, so forgiven by His grace and so new! I was a child of God, He was mine, and I was His – amazing grace!  I think I skipped back to my room!

My life was TRANSFORMED. Same circumstances, same temptations. But now things were vastly different because I was in a new relationship with my Father in Heaven, Jesus my personal Saviour – He rescued me!  He started a really good work in me and 40 years on it is still not finished – but He will finish it and then I’m going to see Him face to face!

Laura then rounded the informal interview off and we hoped it opened a window to God’s amazing grace to some of the precious mums.  And to you?