Thursday 17 February 2011

Where is the bathroom?

japflagThe time for our visit with our children in Tokyo is drawing close at a breath-taking speed – 4 weeks to go and exciting! Though we’ve never been to Japan in all our lives, and we’re pretty hyped up about it – we are even more “stoked” about the joyous prospect of seeing Michael and Isabelle and Josie and Evie.
This evening our niece, Naomi in Cape Town, suggested we learn the rather essential “where is the bathroom?” in Japanese.  So all eager-beaver, we looked up Google Translate  and quickly concluded we’re not going to get this right in  a hurry!  

Isabelle has told us and humorously wrote about both the ultra modern Japanese loos as well as the squat toilets – and her experience using the latter with two toddlers in tow!  The logistics...

We read that the more polite toilets squawk out “arigato gozaimasu” as you exit.  Maybe by that time we will be into bowing too (?) and bow to the voice!
japanese toilet 2Nice and shiny, heated seats, many models also have power raise/lower seats and auto flush, etc. etc..

We have learned that toilets in Japan have more buttons than a spaceship control panel – as long as we do not launch into space.  Not being mechanically-minded myself this is a possibility! 

What a  crazy control panel - wireless and mounted on the wall.
japanese toilet 3
Here is the old-style Japanese squat toilets Isabelle wrote about.  Maybe it’s time to stick the work-out DVD in the computer again and choose the squat exercises, to prepare those calf and thigh muscles – oh dear! japanese toilet squat
Isabelle also mentioned that in most of restrooms, you will find a pair of special slippers at the entrance.  See green slippers in image above.  And those slippers have to remain in the toilets and should not be worn outside of it – remember, remember, drill, drill! 

We have opted for the short-cut:   Toireuseful_01.jpgpronounced “toe-E-ray”:  the Japanese abbreviation of “toilet”   It’s going to have to be either written Japanese phrases or charades!
Here is "toilet" in Japanese in Google Translate.

And finally, finally, a few face-book comments:
Shannon Black As the visitors you get to bath first. Remember to leave your dirty water in the bath for Isabelle and Michael to have their turn after you!
Shannon Black Don't forget the bathroom slippers and toilet slippers are not for general wear in the house (how you remember this managed to escape me so I got it wrong fairly frequently)
Beulah Joy McGuinness I am sure you are in for an interesting time!!
Dale Viljoen Don't dirty the water in the bath! Wash and rinse outside the bath first.
Are you coming up to Hokkaido?

Estelle Lobban I think we'll skip bathing all together - can't do the dirty-water-thing to Michael & Izo - you're a tease Shannon! Our children live in Tokyo, Dale - have already been wondering if we would be able to see you OMF mish guys. If possible, will let you know! Do you know Dale, Beualah - we were together at BI - I think our first year was your last year...?
Estelle Lobban Have just checked out your website, Dale - - going to pray next and also now understand one of your interests: onsens.
David Lindhiem Hello Tweetjies! Just take your camera! (Sorry, I forgot you sleep with it!) THere will be lots to shoot! I look forward to your pics. We have one of those fancy loos in our house in Lancaster. Best thing we ever did! Pure luxury! Enjoy!
Estelle Lobban TWO missionaries on one thread - or is it threat, a teasing loskop Shannon. Beulah in Canada, Lindhiems in USA Lancaster, Dale in Japan, Shannon NZ, us in the UK - "from the rising of the sun till it's setting down - may the name of the Lord be praised" by the South Africans and all the nations. Ja, my camera's an extension of my arm - so seeeeee, they have it right about evolution after all! So nice to share....