Thursday 11 August 2011

Thursday’s Pickings

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I hope you enjoy the picture I, on my knees, took in Hyde Park last week and hope that some of these nuggets lift up your spirit and bless your heart.

  • You are not whatshisname to God.
  • I enjoy being with God and can, miraculously, relate directly to my Lord through Jesus.
  • John Calvin’s secret to sanctification is the interaction of the knowledge of God and knowledge of self.

I was encouraged and spurred on by Paige Benton Brown's  Link  today – hope it’s the same for you.
  1. Can God be any less good to me on the average Tuesday morning than he was on that monumental Friday afternoon when he hung on a cross in my place?
  2. Christian growth mandates relational richness.
  3. His goodness is not the effect of his disposition but the essence of his person—not an attitude but an attribute.
  4. It is a cosmic impossibility for God to short-change any of his children.
  5. If He fluctuated one quark in his goodness, he would cease to be God.
I cannot remember where I read this about envy, which is shockingly true.
Envy is a very cruel sin, because ultimately it is not content with raising itself up. Others must also be cast down.  

And finally, from recipe book to Bible.........  my own jolting realization  and resulting prayer today:

“Even the recipes I will probably never make, I find beautifully photographed and fun to read.”
Thank you Father for Your gracious self-disclosure - ultimately in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Help me never again to read the Bible like I sometimes read recipe books.