Friday 3 June 2011

More than survivors

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Shattered hearts come in countless different shapes. Comforted Christians rest and trust, take refuge in their heavenly Father and in Jesus, their Saviour.  

Rather than just scraping through surviving, Christian believers are daily helped by the Holy Spirit to count their sorrows as joy (because of what those sorrows produce). How do I get to that place where I truly and sincerely bless His beautiful Name when He gives and when He takes away?
Here’s Paul’s view on his imprisonment:
 'I want you to understand, brethren, that that which has befallen me has actually benefited the spreading of the gospel' (Philippians 1: 12).
Truth is, I really battle with this: is there not a sweeter way to spread the gospel?  Since our dear son Michael died (physically) 15 months after being diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma, there are amazing opportunities to speak of God’s tender power and strong love, but at this cost?  Till I remember that no human trial can even begin to trump the Son of God’s.  There He is hanging on a cross, laying down His life for us rebels and absorbing God’s wrath on our behalf!

It's Tuesdady afternoon and I worship and thank the Man of Sorrows from my broken heart. There He is, at the right hand of the Father, risen. Though He is radiant in glory and holiness, He is not for a moment “out of His comfort zone” when we weep, sob – even wail. 

A day is coming when every forgiven believer in Jesus Christ will look into the face of  Jesus, their Saviour. What a first moment - it makes me tremble with joy and wonder!   And do you know, His very own Hand is going to wipe away every tear with unimaginable tenderness.  What reunions and stories and worship before the living God who redeemed us and redeemed our sufferings

It's Tuesday afternoon and I have again taken heart in His longterm and shortterm plans and great grace. 

Aahh the lasting and far-reaching blessings that the spreading of the gospel brings through proclamation, witness, changed lives and also ....through suffering.  Maybe you have already or are ready now to trust God's purposes, His heart, His love for you, His best for you.  Such hope and confidence never disappoint!  Because the Lord our God never disappoints - let His praise be on our lips at all times.